I went through couple of other question/answers on stackoverflow/magentostack regarding bringing backend tinyMCE to frontend,
But they got issue listed/commented with `Uncaught ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined error`. They might have worked on certain pages(if any), but when i tried on product detail page, it didn’t work and showed me same error on console `tinyMCE is not defined`.
So, i went to see which file/js is responsible for this. and i figured it out that `js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_jquery.js` is the one responsible for tinyMCE.
So you need to include this file, where you want wysiwyg editor. like i was testing on product detail page so i
.... ....
Then on product view page(for.eg. was just to test) where i added text field
And script part, reference from those listed question above
And it worked showing me tinyMCE on frontend section. Cheers !!
And here is my response on Stackoverflow
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